This is something a lot of fingerstyle musicians do in order to get a cleaner sound. If you plan to play a lot of fingerstyle and don’t want to use picks, you may want to grow out your fingernails just a little. The short answer is no, you don’t need special picks to play fingerstyle. Do I Need Any Special Picks To Fingerpick With An Electric? When playing this style, your thumb plays downstrokes, while your fingers pluck upstrokes. When playing fingerstyle on an electric guitar the technique should be the same as with an acoustic, that is, using your thumb for the bass side (E, A, and D strings), and your index, middle and ring fingers on the G, B, and high E strings respectively. Secondly, the string tension on an electric guitar is lower than it is on an acoustic, another comfort increasing factor. Firstly, the lighter string gauge is easier on the fingers than the typically heavy acoustic strings, and as you’re using your fingers as picks, this will definitely be more comfortable. It is important to preface this section by stating that fingerpicking is a highly technical skill that takes time to master, with that being said, if you choose to start learning this technique on an electric guitar rather than on an acoustic, you might actually find that it is easier. Is It Easy To Play Fingerstyle On The Electric Guitar?